Welcome to Greece Directory

Welcome to Greece Directory

Hellenic Organization for Standardization - Authority responsible for the formulation and publication of National Standards and ultimately their promo..

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Hellenic Parliament - Parliament of Greece. Information on members, committees, the parliamentary building in Athens. ..

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Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - A governmental research institution belonging to the General Secretariat of Research and Technology. ..

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National Statistical Service of Greece - The official source of statistical information for nearly every activity of the Greek economy. ..

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National Intelligence Service - Information about the mission, the historical background, the structure and the legal status of the Hellenic National ..

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ICL - Greece Index - Complete copies and links to the country's Constitution, along with related background, history and events, provided by Internati..

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US Law Library of Congress - Greece - Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general gover..

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Bank of Greece - Central bank tasked with ensuring price stability in the country. Provides statistics and other data on the economic performance and..

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The Greek Ombudsman   - An independent authority that is empowered to investigate actions taken by the government that infringe upon the right..

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Data Protection Authority - Supervises the implementation of Act 2472/97 and the totality of regulations pertaining to the protection of the individua..

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